The Good, the Bad and the Project: Interdisciplinary Ethics in Development Research and Practice


Time Session


Registration and coffee
9.30 Welcome and practical announcements (Maru Mormina)


Opening address by Prof Kevin Marsh, African Oxford Initiaite (AfOx)


Ethics: a funder’s perspective. Speakers: Sarah Plowman (UKRI), Rachel Knowles (MRC), TBC (DFID)
Chair: Gill Wells, Research Services,  University of Oxford

10.00 Q&A


Session 1 - Impact and challenge-led research: ethics in context. Chair: Prof Lucy Cluver, Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford

  • Defining impact and establishing local needs: Whose knowledge counts? The ethics of defining impact in the context of ‘local’ needs and realities, Dr. Lata Narayanaswamy, Lecturer in International Development, Univeristy of Leeds
  • Round table:

    Dr Martin Williams, Associate Professor, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford: Partnering with government in research

    Prisca Benelli, Humanitarian Research & Learning Manager and Ethics Lead, Save the Children:  Balancing needs, local contexts and safeguards when working with vulnerable populations

    Prof Chukwumerije Okereke, Professor of Climate Justice, University of Reading:  Climate research and development: what does climate justice mean and for whom?

11.00 Q&A




Session 2 - Capacity building and partnership in ODA research. Chair: Jonathan Harle, INASP.

  • Partnerships:

    Dr Jude Fransman, Leverhulme Research Fellow, Open University: North/South partnerships – can they really be fair?

    Dr Kaustuv Bandyopadhyay, Director, Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA): International partnerships - the Global South experience

  • Capacity building:

    Dr Maru Mormina, Senior Researcher and Ethics Advisor, Ethox Centre, University of Oxford: Capacity building: another empty concept?

    Francesco Obino, Head of Programmes, Global Development Network: Developing capacity and doing it well.

12.45 Q&A




Session 3: Ethics in times of emergency. Chair: Dr Angeliki Kerasidou, Ethox Centre, University of Oxford

  • Ethical challenges during humanitarian emergencies, Prof Michael Parker, Director, Ethox Centre, University of Oxford.
  • Round table:

    Rachel Hastie, Protection Team Leader, OXFAM: Ethics and risk in humanitarian responses

    Dr Kelsey Shanks, Ulster University and GCRF Challenge Lead: Conducting education research in post-conflict areas

    Dr Stephen Kennedy, Ministry of Health, Liberia:  Global Health emergencies




Tea break


Break-out sessions


Q&A and feedback from the sessions


Closing remarks
16.30 Departure